Adding Personal Flair to Your Code

Adding Personal Flair to Your Code

I’ve been thinking recently about the naming conventions I use while coding, and I noticed I tend to follow pretty strict naming standards so I don’t have to put much thought into picking a name. While standards are usually good for readability, too many...
Magic Methods Within Yii2

Magic Methods Within Yii2

Yii and Yii2 utilize various magic methods within the framework, the implementation of which can be found in the Object class, which most of the framework extends off of.  These magic methods __get, __set, __isset, __unset, and __call enforce a set of standards...
No One Has Time to be Wait()ing.

No One Has Time to be Wait()ing.

Like any dev shop worth its weight, we strongly promote testing of our products. In order to produce a quality product, we need an internal way to ensure a given level of quality is being met. Business requirements lead to tests, the tests lead to the logic, the logic...