Sourcetoad’s First Staff Augmentation Deal Sets a New Model for Technical Industry Partnerships

by | May 2, 2024

Sourcetoad recently achieved a significant milestone with our first Cost+ staff augmentation deal, partnering with industryGENOME, a cutting-edge market intelligence platform in the Health Sciences industry. This collaboration highlights our unique capabilities in identifying, recruiting, and managing the best technical talent for our clients. Let’s delve into the details of our new exciting partnership, and explore why other companies should consider Sourcetoad for their technical hiring needs.


Sourcetoad’s Approach to Staff Augmentation

In this inaugural staff augmentation engagement, Sourcetoad’s internal recruiting team demonstrated exceptional skill in talent acquisition. We meticulously screened over 100 candidates, narrowing the field to the top 10% for final interviews by our CTO and Director of Engineering. This rigorous selection process ensured that the most qualified individuals were chosen to fulfill industryGENOME’s need for a Data Scientist and an Apache Superset developer.


Expertise in Software Development and Platform Knowledge

Sourcetoad leveraged decades of experience in software development and deep familiarity with the platform to select candidates who would thrive in industryGENOME’s innovative environment. This combination of technical expertise and platform knowledge enabled us to identify talent with precision, reflecting our commitment to delivering quality staffing solutions.


A Unique Partnership Model

This collaboration between Sourcetoad and industryGENOME exemplifies a model of partnership where each party leverages its strengths. With Sourcetoad handling all human resources and technical management aspects, industryGENOME can focus on managing the work and tasks assigned to the newly recruited team members. This division of responsibilities ensures a seamless operation and allows each company to focus on its core competencies.

industryGenome: A Pioneer in Health Sciences Market Intelligence

industryGENOME is currently in closed beta, but is already making waves due to its advanced platform that provides invaluable insights into the Health Sciences industry. By harnessing artificial intelligence, including natural language processing and machine learning, industryGENOME organizes massive data sets into actionable intelligence. Their collaboration with Sourcetoad underscores the importance of having the right technical talent to support their mission.

Why Choose Sourcetoad for Staff Augmentation?

Sourcetoad’s completion of our first staff augmentation deal is a testament to our recruitment and technical management prowess. Companies looking for the best talent to support their technical needs can rely on Sourcetoad for:

  • Extensive Recruitment Network: We have an extensive network and proven ability to identify top technical talent quickly and efficiently.
  • Expert Technical Management: With decades of experience in software development, Sourcetoad ensures that our technical management is unmatched.
  • Tailored Staffing Solutions: Understanding that each client has unique needs, we provide customized staffing solutions to fit specific project requirements.

Sourcetoad’s successful partnership with industryGENOME marks the beginning of a new chapter in providing comprehensive staff augmentation services. Our meticulous recruitment process and commitment to technical excellence make us an ideal partner for any company seeking to enhance its technical team. If you’re looking for top-notch technical talent tailored to your business needs, look no further than Sourcetoad! 

Partner with Sourcetoad today to find the perfect technical talent for your business. Whether you need staff augmentation, software development, or platform expertise, our team is ready to assist. Contact us to discuss how we can support your technical talent needs.


What makes Sourcetoad’s staff augmentation different?

Sourcetoad combines a meticulous recruitment process, extensive industry knowledge, and technical expertise to provide tailored staff augmentation solutions that meet the specific needs of their clients. We are actually technologists, product strategists, and engineers, not just recruiters.

How does Sourcetoad select candidates for staff augmentation?

Our recruitment team identifies potential candidates from our extensive network, conducts rigorous screening, and involves senior technical leaders in final interviews to ensure the best fit for the client. We hire only people we would hire ourselves.

Does Sourcetoad handle all HR and technical management tasks?

Yes, Sourcetoad manages all human resources and technical management aspects for the recruited staff, allowing clients to focus on their core business operations.

Can Sourcetoad find candidates for specific technical needs?

Absolutely. Sourcetoad has a proven track record of identifying and recruiting candidates with specialized technical skills, ensuring that clients get the right expertise for their projects.

Is Sourcetoad experienced in specific industries?

Sourcetoad has extensive experience across various industries and is well-versed in the unique requirements of different sectors, as demonstrated in our work with industryGENOME.

How can my company benefit from Sourcetoad’s services?

By partnering with Sourcetoad, your company can access top technical talent, streamline technical management, and focus on achieving business goals with a highly skilled team in place.

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