Progressive Loading Of Images

Progressive Loading Of Images

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday, or whatever it is that you do. And while I am not the most festive person around, I thought we could do something fun to ring in the New Year. So today we will be learning about what, in my opinion, is one of the...
Edge Computing

Edge Computing

Edge computing is the newest tech buzz phrase you might want to consider with some seriousness. I recently heard a pitch from a company building rain sensors for reclaimed water systems. It all sounded good until they said, “And when the system isn’t checking for rain...
Preprocess All The Things

Preprocess All The Things

In a quickly mutating world of web software development, preprocessors are rapidly becoming the new emperors of the land. And they are steadily carving a grand new path out of a somewhat ancient and rocky past. Let’s talk about how preprocessors are reinventing the...