AWS Managed Services

Sourcetoad – Your trusted partner for AWS Managed Services. Elevate your AWS experience.

Our AWS Managed Services provide comprehensive support for your AWS infrastructure, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. We manage and maintain your AWS environment, allowing you to focus on your core business.

Why Sourcetoad for your AWS Managed Services?

We ensure that your AWS infrastructure stays robust, secure, and fully optimized.


Staying updated with AWS patches and configurations keeps your data protected from emerging threats.


Regular maintenance ensures that your AWS services are finely-tuned, maximizing efficiency and responsiveness.


Adhering to AWS best practices and regulatory standards is essential to avoid potential legal complications.

Our AWS Maintenance Services

Monitoring & Performance Tuning

Why? Real-time insights are vital for a seamless AWS experience.

How Sourcetoad Helps:
Our team uses cutting-edge monitoring tools to detect potential issues, providing optimal performance and proactive support.

Security Patching & Compliance

Why? Security is paramount in the cloud. Regular patching ensures robust protection.
How Sourcetoad Helps:
We apply essential security patches and conduct compliance checks, aligning your AWS environment with the latest standards and regulations.

Database Maintenance & Optimization

Why? AWS databases require meticulous care to perform at their best.
How Sourcetoad Helps:
From routine backups to strategic optimization, our experts keep your databases running smoothly, ensuring data integrity.

Disaster Recovery Planning

Why? A robust disaster recovery strategy is vital to safeguard your business continuity.
How Sourcetoad Helps:
We design and implement tailored disaster recovery solutions within AWS, minimizing downtime and data loss.

Cost Optimization

Why? AWS costs can escalate without regular review and management.
How Sourcetoad Helps:
We analyze your AWS usage and optimize configurations, delivering cost-efficient solutions without sacrificing performance.

Regulatory Compliance Management

Why? Staying compliant with industry regulations is crucial in today’s business landscape.
How Sourcetoad Helps:
Our team ensures your AWS environment aligns with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements, providing peace of mind.

While every Managed Service customer has unique needs, most of our agreements include the following:









Infrastructure based on Topology

Sourcetoad will maintain the AWS Infrastructure based on the agreed upon topology and Sourcetoad best practices. Monitoring of infrastructure detailed below.

As Needed

AWS Cloudwatch

Sourcetoad will utilize AWS Cloudwatch for all monitoring required.


AWS RDS Monitoring

Sourcetoad will utilize AWS Cloudwatch to monitor free disk space and CPU usage on RDS servers.


AWS ECS CPU Monitoring

Sourcetoad will utilize AWS Cloudwatch to monitor the CPU levels of the web application.


AWS GuardDuty

Sourcetoad will utilize AWS GuardDuty through Cloudwatch to monitor logins to the AWS environment and detect threats or suspicious activity.


AWS encryption at rest

Sourcetoad will utilize AWS encryption at rest on databases or other services.


AWS secure root account with MFA

Sourcetoad will protect and secure the root account with MFA.


AWS Security Group ACL and Firewall

Sourcetoad will utilize AWS Security Group Access Control List and Firewall based on least permission required principles.


AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), Password Policy and Rotation

Sourcetoad will utilize IAM to set up accounts based on least permission required, if applicable. On setup of the infrastructure, a secure password policy and rotation will be implemented and enforced through AWS.


AWS Backup Review

Sourcetoad will review all databases, assets, S3 backups, all S3 syncs.


AWS Database Restoration

Sourcetoad will restore a database backup and perform a programmatic check to compare the restored database with the actual.


AWS Cost Reporting

Sourcetoad will as needed perform cost reporting in the case of new services being offered and review this with the client.

As Needed

Choose Sourcetoad for Your AWS Success

With a track record of excellence and a passion for technology, Sourcetoad is the partner you can trust for all your AWS maintenance needs.

Get Started Today

Ready to enhance your AWS experience?

Trust Sourcetoad’s expertise in AWS maintenance and take your cloud operations to the next level.